Address Line 2: Ciudad Lineal Postcode: 28027 Street: Arturo Soria Number: 82 Land area: 28.341 sqm Land occupation: 6.438 sqm Buildability: 23.861 sqm Price: 22.597.827 € Price / sqmb: 947 € Price / sqmp: 797 € Source: Advert: |
Address Line 2: Ciudad Vieja Postcode: 15001 Street: Avenida Metrosidero Number: 0 Land area: 2.133 sqm Land occupation: 2.025 sqm Buildability: 12.155 sqm Price: 7.374.940 € Price / sqmb: 607 € Price / sqmp: 3.458 € Source: Advert: |
Address Line 2: Ciudad Vieja Postcode: 15001 Street: Avenida Metrosidero Number: 0 Land area: 1.353 sqm Land occupation: 1.141 sqm Buildability: 6.848 sqm Price: 4.504.253 € Price / sqmb: 658 € Price / sqmp: 3.329 € Source: Advert: |
Address Line 2: La Malagueta Postcode: 29016 Street: Paseo de la Farola Number: 6 GLA: 1.827 sqm Age: 1955 Rent: - Yield: - Price: 4.538.988 € Price / sqmb: 2.484 € Contract: - Source: Advert: |
Address Line 2: Gamonal Postcode: 09005 Street: Severo Ochoa Number: 0 Land area: 48.265 sqm Land occupation: 19.540 sqm Buildability: 48.265 sqm Price: 12.611.790 € Price / sqmb: 261 € Price / sqmp: 261 € Source: Advert: |
Address Line 2: Centro Postcode: 41530 Street: Doñana Number: 25 Land area: 2.316 sqm Land occupation: 1.745 sqm Buildability: 3.474 sqm Price: 594.701 € Price / sqmb: 171 € Price / sqmp: 257 € Source: Advert: |
Address Line 2: Pajaritos Postcode: 18014 Street: Alondra Number: 9 Land area: 2.421 sqm Land occupation: 968 sqm Buildability: 7.022 sqm Price: 2.345.840 € Price / sqmb: 334 € Price / sqmp: 969 € Source: Advert: |
Address Line 2: Tres Cantos Postcode: 28760 Street: Monton de Trigo Number: 5 Land area: 3.869 sqm Land occupation: 1.934 sqm Buildability: 8.704 sqm Price: 4.406.618 € Price / sqmb: 506 € Price / sqmp: 1.139 € Source: Advert: |
Address Line 2: Ferrol Vello Postcode: 15401 Street: Cristo Number: 17 GLA: 684 sqm Age: 1940 Rent: - Yield: - Price: 355.284 € Price / sqmb: 519 € Contract: - Source: Advert: |
Address Line 2: Muruarte de Reta Postcode: 31398 Street: Mayor Number: 0 Land area: 231.434 sqm Land occupation: - Buildability: - Price: 471.433 € Price / sqmb: - Price / sqmp: 2 € Source: Advert: |
Address Line 2: Son Olivaret Postcode: 07769 Street: Carretera Cap d'Artrutx, Km. 7 Number: 0 Land area: 307.300 sqm Land occupation: - Buildability: - Price: 1.258.870 € Price / sqmb: - Price / sqmp: 4 € Source: Advert: |
Address Line 2: Carabanchel Postcode: 28024 Street: Hoyo de Pinares Number: 0 Land area: 1.195 sqm Land occupation: 598 sqm Buildability: 1.993 sqm Price: 1.160.638 € Price / sqmb: 582 € Price / sqmp: 971 € Source: Advert: |
Address Line 2: - Postcode: 46920 Street: Dolores Ibarruri Number: 4 Land area: 8.559 sqm Land occupation: 5.991 sqm Buildability: 8.559 sqm Price: 1.798.041 € Price / sqmb: 210 € Price / sqmp: 210 € Source: Advert: |
Address Line 2: Eixample Postcode: 08010 Street: Girona Number: 18 GLA: 7.576 sqm Age: 1905 Rent: - Yield: - Price: 18.785.437 € Price / sqmb: 2.480 € Contract: - Source: Advert: |
Address Line 2: Eixample Postcode: 08010 Street: Vía Layetana Number: 69 GLA: 7.263 sqm Age: 1969 Rent: - Yield: - Price: 11.918.829 € Price / sqmb: 1.641 € Contract: - Source: Advert: |

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